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Sea Children

推薦者: 陳雲紅  撰文日期: 2011-09-02  出版社: The Australian Voices  編號:

Sea Children

Australian Voices成立於1993年,由一群年輕歌手組成,演唱許多澳洲作曲家的作品。他們的歌聲遍及世界各地,同時也錄製許多CD,為澳洲當代作曲家留下極具價值的合唱文獻。

這張CD: Sea Children,由著名澳洲作曲4家Stephen Leek指揮,演唱澳洲當代作曲家的創作,合唱團以清澈的音色與和聲唱出音樂與大自然的結合為一體的美感。曲目如下:

  1. Sea Children  /music: Daniel Walker / Text: Randolph Stowe
  2. The Shore  /music and text: Lauchlan Hurse and Sue Monk
  3. Waves
  4. Shadows
  5. Hey Rain  /music: Bill Scott /Stephen Leek
  6. Verticle Blue  /music: Stephen Leek /text: Kenneth Slessor
  7. The Tides of Ocean  /music: Mathew Orlovich / text: Victor Carell
  8. Under the Shadow of Kiley’s Hill  /music: Gordon Hamilton text: Banjo Patterson
  9. To Rise  /music: Damien Barbeler text: Kahlil Gibran
  10. High Places  /music: Stephen Leek text: Dorithea Mckeller
  11. Sky Song  /music and text: DanielWalker
  12. Red Earth  /music and text: Stephen Leek
  13. Geography Songs  music: Paul Stanphone text: Micheal Dranefield
  14. Explorer’s Journal
  15. Geography III
  16. Geography V
  17. Geography VI